
Phone: 719-313-5600
Toll Free: 866-427-2443
Fax: 719-313-5700
Email: Jill@specinsure.com

1221 Lake Plaza Dr
Suite D
Colorado Springs, CO. 80906



At Specialty Insurance Partners (SIP), we know your business. It’s our focus, it’s our passion, and it’s what we do. We leverage decades of industry specific experience and relationships to benefit you, our PARTNER.

SIP successfully manages business in all 50 states. Your SIP team strives, in partnership with our best in class insurance carriers, to understand the unique business needs, growth objectives, and risks of our partnered clients.


The SIP team has a long and proven history of creating value-driven insurance programs for industries and trade groups who share the commitment to safety and best practices. We, along with our partner insurance carriers, know how to recognize and reward this level of commitment to quality and safety in highly regulated industries.

A business, depending on the ability, capacity, and integrity of their agent, will always be able to find cheaper coverage which may leave them with multiple unwanted exposures or inadequate coverage limits. We work tirelessly to ensure that a maximum amount of value per premium dollar invested is achieved, and that our clients are truly protected against unforeseen loss or business interruption.


Due to constantly changing financial markets, global events, and industry developments, it is imperative that your insurance partner is on the leading edge of change. SIP will continually create value for our partner clients by managing this perpetual change to insure highly competitive rates, value added services, and superior coverage regardless of global conditions. SIP is committed to education and participates actively and often in the professional and trade organizations which serve each of our niche industries. We leverage this vision in every competitive situation to raise the value and performance standards for ourselves and our partner insurance carriers.